2019 Cheese Competition Results
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2019 Cheese Competition Results

Best in Show: Ruggles Hill Creamery Hanna's Awashed, Ruggles Hill Creamery, Massachusetts

Reserve Best in Show:
Bear Hill, Grafton Village Cheese, Vermont

Honorable Mention: Jasper Hill Alpha Tolman, Cellars at Jasper Hill, Vermont

Class 1 Cheddar - Aged up to 12 months
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Cabot Clothbound Cellars at Jasper Hill
Gold Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver Extra Sharp Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver 1 Year Cheddar Grafton Village Cheese
Silver Clothbound Cheddar Grafton Village Cheese
Silver Mild Cheddar Pineland Farms
Silver Billings Butter Cheddar Billings Farm with Grafton Cheese Makers
Silver Sharp Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Haymaker Balfour Farm
Bronze Original Plymouth Cheese Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Smith's Farmstead Cheddar Smiths Country Cheese

Class 2 Cheddar - Over 12 months
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Tapping Reeve Arethusa Farm Dairy
Gold Clothbound Cheddar Reserve Grafton Village Cheese
Gold 2 Year Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver Extra Sharp Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver Billings Woodstock Reserve Billings Farm with Grafton Cheese Makers
Bronze Aged Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Extra Sharp Cheddar Neighborly Farms of Vermont
Bronze Aged Cheddar Pineland Farms
Bronze Billings Sweet Cheddar Billings Farm with Grafton Cheese Makers
Bronze Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Crowley Jersey Girls 2 Year Crowley Cheese
Bronze 5 Year Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze 5 Year Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Crowley Extra Sharp Crowley Cheese
Class 3 - Colby, Monterey Jack, Brick, Muenster
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Colby Jack Pineland Farms
Gold Colby Neighborly Farms of Vermont
Silver Crowley Mild Crowley Cheese
Silver East Meadow Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Monterey Jack Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Class 4 - Swiss Styles
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Bronze Crybaby Arethusa Farm Dairy
Bronze Baby Swiss Pineland Farms
Class 5 - Italian Style Cheeses
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Sea Change Mystic Cheese
Gold The Finback Mystic Cheese
Silver Farmstead Sankow's Beaver Brook Farm
Class 6 - Blue Veined Cheeses
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Bayley Hazen Blue Cellars at Jasper Hill
Silver Arethusa Blue Arethusa Farm Dairy
Silver Mad River Blue Von Tropp Farmstead
Silver Great Hill Dairy Inc Great Hill Dairy Inc
Class 7 - Flavored Soft Spreads
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Honey-Ginger Chevre Spread The Little White Goat Dairy
Bronze Dairy Duet, Garlic & Herb York Hill Farm
Class 8 - Flavored Soft Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Everything Fresh Goat Cheese Vermont Creamery
Silver Smoky Pepper Jelly Fresh Goat Vermont Creamery
Silver Chive Flavored Goat Cheese Thomas Farm
Silver Herb Round Bell & Goose Cheese Co.
Bronze Peppercorn Fresh Goat Cheese Vermont Creamery
Bronze Wild Blueberry, Lemon & Thyme Fresh Goat Cheese Vermont Creamery
Bronze Apricot & Thyme Crumbled Goat Cheese Vermont Creamery
Bronze Dairy Duet Roll, Green Peppercorn & Nutmeg York Hill Farm
Class 9 - Flavored Semi-Soft Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Silver Pepper Jack Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Cabaccou Stone Silo Creamery
Class 10 - Flavored Hard Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Silver Smith's Farmstead Chive Cheddar Smith's Country Cheese
Silver Sage & Herbs Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Silver Smokey Ghost Balfour Farm
Silver Nuberu with Safron and Pepper Fairy Tale Farm
Bronze Firehouse Jack West River Creamery
Bronze Hot Pepper Cheese Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Black Truffle Cheese Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Buffalo Curds Pineland Farms
Bronze Smith's Farmstead Everything Bagel Gouda Smith's Country Cheese
Bronze Smith's Farmstead Chipotle Gouda Smith's Country Cheese
Bronze Truffle Cheddar Grafton Village Cheese
Bronze Crowley Sage Crowley Cheese
Bronze Garlic Peppercorn Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Crowley Muffaletta Crowley Cheese
Class 11 - Wash Rind/Smear Ripened Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Reading Spring Brook Farm Cheese
Gold Willoughby Cellars at Jasper Hill
Silver Arethusa Diva Arethusa Farm Dairy
Silver Ashbrook Spring Brook Farm Cheese
Bronze Sugar Stalom Mt. Mansfield Creamery
Bronze Oma Cellars at Jasper Hill
Bronze Hooch Boston Post Dairy
Class 12 - Soft Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Bronze Ballyhoo Brie Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Bronze Dairy Duet, Plain York Hill Farm
Class 13 - Soft Spreads
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Bronze Chevre Stone Silo Farm
Bronze Smith's Country Creamy Gouda Spread Smith's Country Cheese
Class 14 - Smoked Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Billings Smoked Cheddar Billings Farm with Grafton Cheese Makers
Silver Smith's Farmstead Smoked Gouda Smiths Country Cheese
Silver Maple Smoked Cheddar Grafton Village Cheese
Silver Smith's Farmstead Smoked Havarti Smiths Country Cheese
Silver UpNorth Crooked Face Creamery
Bronze Smoked Chili Pepper Cheddar Grafton Village Cheese
Bronze Smoked Cheddar Pineland Farms
Bronze Smoked Cambridge West River Creamery
Class 15 - Feta
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Silver Greek Style Feta Boston Post Dairy
Silver Cow Milk Feta Neighborly Farms of Vermont
Silver Feta Stone Silo Farm
Silver Goat Feta Crooked Mile Cheese
Bronze Beaver Brook Sheep Feta Sankow's Beaver Brook Farm
Bronze Balkan Style Feta in Brine The Little White Goat Dairy

Class 16 - Flavored Feta
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Marinated Feta The Little White Goat Dairy
Silver Beaver Brook Farm Feta/Pesto Sankow's Beaver Brook Farm
Class 17 - Alpine Style
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Bearhill Grafton Village Cheese
Gold Alpha Tolman Cellars at Jasper Hill
Silver Sugarloaf Mountain Kennebec Cheesery
Silver Thistle Hill Tarentaise Thistle Hill Farm
Silver Alpine Cheddar Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver Tarentaise Spring Brook Farm Cheese
Bronze Savage Von Trapp Farmstead
Bronze Mt. Tom Arethusa Farm Dairy
Bronze Ascutney Mountain Cobb Hill Cheese
Bronze Prescott Robinson Farm
Class 18 - Mold Ripened Cheese
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Ruggles Hill Creamery Alys's Eclipse Ruggles Hill Creamery
Gold Weybridge Cellars at Jasper Hill
Gold Ruggles Hill Creamery Hanna's Awashed Ruggles Hill Creamery
Gold Ruggles Hill Creamery Ada's Honor Ruggles Hill Creamery
Gold Ruggles Hill Creamery Claire's Mandell Hill Ruggles Hill Creamery
Silver Shadow Lake Crooked Mile Cheese
Silver Stella Blue The Little White Goat Dairy
Silver Karlie's Graditude Arethusa Farm Dairy
Silver Little Hosmer Cellars at Jasper Hill
Silver Good Hill Stone Silo Farm
Silver Mt. Alice Von Trapp Farmstead
Bronze Camembert Bell & Goose Cheese Co.
Bronze Moore Dam Blues Crooked Mile Cheese
Bronze Petit Coeur Silvery Moon Creamery
Bronze Snow Pond Kennebec Cheesery
Bronze iNiZiO York Hill Farm
Bronze Camembert Arethusa Farm Dairy
Bronze Moses Sleeper Cellars at Jasper Hill
Class 19 - Open Class for All Other Cheeses
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Cheese Curds Thomas Farm
Gold Windswept Fuzzy Udder Creamery
Gold Landaff Cellars at Jasper Hill
Gold Harbison Cellars at Jasper Hill
Gold Shepsog Grafton Village Cheese
Silver Europa Arethusa Farm Dairy
Silver Eleven Brothers Boston Post Dairy
Silver Rockweed Lakins Gorges Cheese
Silver Cheese Curds Bell & Goose Cheese Co.
Silver Bella Bantam Arethusa Farm Dairy
Bronze Arpeggio Robinson Farm
Bronze Smith's Farmstead Gouda Smiths Country Cheese
Bronze Piacentinu Fairy Tale Farm
Bronze Smiths Farmstead Aged Gouda Smiths Country Cheese
Bronze Quarry Stone Bell & Goose Cheese Co.
Bronze Smith's Farmstead Havarti Smiths Country Cheese
Bronze Vermont Farmstead Brie Blythedale Farm
Class 20 - Yogurt
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Gold Whole Milk Vanilla Yogurt Arethusa Farm Dairy
Gold Plain Greek Yogurt Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Silver Whole Milk Yogurt Arethusa Farm Dairy
Silver Vanilla Triple Cream Greek Yogurt Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze 2% Plain Greek Yogurt Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Bronze Whole Milk Maple Yogurt Arethusa Farm Dairy
Bronze Little White Goat Dairy Strawberry Yogurt The Little White Goat Dairy
Class 22 - Other Fermented Dairy Products
Award Fancy Name Creamery
Silver Sour Cream Arethusa Farm Dairy

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