State FFA Presidents Internship
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Leadership Opportunities

The Eastern Regional FFA Contest is looking for approximately 36 officers Friday, September 13, 2024. For more information or to sign up contact Milton Natush.

State FFA Presidents Internship


  1. To provide leadership opportunities for State FFA Presidents in the Eastern Region.
  2. To provide opportunities for State FFA Presidents to “learn by doing” those activities necessary for successful operation of The Big E FFA Program.
  3. To promote FFA as an integral part of Agricultural Education.


  1. To be eligible for this program the applicant must be a current State FFA President from the Eastern FFA Region.
  2. Applicants must be 18 years old, as of August 1, 2024.
  3. Interns are selected based upon their applications, which are due August 1.
  4. Interns arrive at The Big E on Wednesday, September 11 before the fair starts and leave on Sunday, September 15.
  5. The Big E will pay airfare or ground transport and incidental expenses from the interns’ home to The Big E and return. (Interns must fly into Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT)
  6. The Big E will provide transportation, food and hotel room for the interns. Receipts will be necessary for out of pocket expenses.
  7. Selected interns will be expected to commit and participate only in the internship program (no other CDE’s) during the Eastern Regional FFA Event at The Big E.


A brief synopsis of the activities includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attending a short briefing session upon arrival.
  • Serving as a public relations specialist for the FFA with news media.
  • Attending the Superintendent’s Dinner.
  • Assisting with the Career and Leadership Development Events.
  • Preparing the CDE/LDE superintendents' notebooks.
  • Attending the coaches' meeting.
  • Visiting the CDE/LDE's in progress.
  • Preparing the biographical information on the four STAR's for the STAR Ceremony.
  • Attaching U.S. and State flags to flagstaffs.
  • Processing winners and deciding on the awards procedures.
  • Attending a short debriefing on Sunday morning.

Interns will arrive no later than 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, before The Big E opens. They should bring work clothes to wear on Thursday. Interns will be housed at the Sheraton Springfield, with transportation provided.

Apply Now!

2024 FFA Intern Application

I agree to the terms and conditions

Please fly into Bradley International Airport in Hartford, CT.

Transportation, food and hotel room will be supplied by Eastern States Exposition for the interns. Receipts will be necessary for out of pocket expenses during travel and while at The Big E.

If you become an intern, the minimum time you must be available is from 8 a.m. Thursday to Sunday after breakfast.

If you are interested in being a candidate, please complete the information requested above and present a brief statement on "Why I should be selected as The Big E State FFA President Intern."

Should you have questions contact: (860) 377-8290 or via email

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