Floral Display Exhibits
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Floral Display Exhibits


A maximum of 35 spaces are available. This year flower stands will be used to display the exhibits, see the attached photo. The spaces are 9.84 inches by 9.84 inches with an 80-pound limit. To secure a space, complete the reservation below and submit it by August 1, 2024. Spaces unassigned by September 1, 2024, will be filled on a first come first served basis.


2025 - Autumn Dinner Party

2026 - A New Baby
2027 - Happy Anniversary

Please note: future themes are a guideline only and are subject to change at November FFA Planning Committee meetings.


Open to any FFA member in the Eastern Region of the FFA.


  1. The design should be made to fit on a shelf or mantle 8″ x 24″. The shelves will be placed around the Farm-A-Rama building for display.
  2. Materials used may be anything-permanently dry i.e. silk flowers, natural dry weeds and seeds etc. Materials need not be costly. It is the arrangement that is important not the cost of the materials.
  3. The color of the display area may not be altered.
  4. Thumbtacks, pins, scotch tape, staples are permitted. (Leave the area clean when you pick up your arrangement).
  5. Accessories are permitted but it is the floral arrangement that is important. Do not use valuable containers or accessories that you would not wish to lose. Please do NOT use breakable materials (e.g. glass, porcelain, etc.) as part of your exhibit.
  6. To be eligible for premiums, entries must be in place by 10 a.m. on the opening day of the fair and must remain in place until 8 p.m. Sunday the final day of the fair. Removal of any portion of the exhibit before the end of the fair will result in disqualification, loss of premiums, prizes and placings.
  7. Judging will take place at 10:00 a.m. on the first day of the fair. Arrangements not meeting all of the requirements will be disqualified and the remaining arrangements will be judged.
  8. To ensure fairness, each exhibit will be assigned a display spot by random drawing. A master copy of assigned spots will be available in the Farm-A-Rama office. Please fill out yellow exhibitor’s card and hang on clip provided with blank side showing for judging.
  9. Exhibits not picked up by 12 p.m. on Monday, September 30, will become the property of Eastern States Exposition. If arrangements need to be made in regard to picking up exhibits outside of this time frame, please contact aginfo@thebige.com or call 413-205-5011 prior to the last day of the Fair.

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