Brenda & Herbert (Buzzy) York truetrue
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Brenda & Herbert (Buzzy) York

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Brenda & Herbert (Bussie) York, Sandy River Farms, Farmington, Maine. Brenda York's father created the 4-H club that Brenda was enrolled in; The Franklin County Dairy Club. She was an active member in that club and loved working with her animals preparing them for the summer fairs, winning many awards. Even after she aged out of the program, Brenda was a 4-H club leader for over 30 years. But her commitment to the youth was not simply limited to those enrolled in 4-H.

Brenda has been a long-time Board member for Maine Milking Shorthorn Society, as well as the New England Milking Shorthorn Society. She has served as a Trustee for Eastern States Exposition. Brenda is also currently a member for the National Milking Shorthorn Society's Endowment Fund and the Franklin County 4-H Foundation Heifer Project. Both programs grant a calf to a young person to raise. The individual has the responsibility to raise that calf and in return their first heifer calf from that animal is donated back to the committee to grant to another young person. This opens the doors for many kids, 4-H or other, who might not have the means to purchase a calf. They promote interest in dairy cows by giving this opportunity to young people.

Mrs. York and her family have loaned vehicles to individuals to use to transport 4-Hers to events; she has taken members to events herself. She has donated money to the Dairy Club; sponsored dairy members for 4-H trips; and loaned her farm's stock trailers to haul animals to fairs. She and her husband, Bussie, also open their Sandy River Farm for tours to school groups and 4-H clubs. Brenda York truly has a passion to help kids understand the dairy industry and she desires to pass on her love of cows to young people in our community.

She was very active in supporting her granddaughters, and also has offered encouragement and support to other dairy members. These members are able to lease from the farm so that they have a dairy animal for their project. She and her daughter, Trudy Johnson, also attend fairs and help young members learn what it takes to care for their 4-H animals while at a fair, in order to give as many youth as possible the experiences that she so fondly remembers as a 4-Her herself.

For more information on Mr. & Mrs. York, please click here.
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