2014 Cheese Competition Results
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2014 Cheese Competition Results

Best of Show

Best In Show: Reading,semi-soft washed rind, Farm for City Kids Team/Spring Brook Farm, Reading Vermont

Reserve: Baley Hazen Blue, blue, Cellars at Jasper Hill, Greensboro, VT


Cellars at Jasper Hill, Cabot Clothbound Cheddar

Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Cabot White Oak Cheddar Cheese

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Red, White & Blue

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Big Blue

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Bayley Hazen Blue

Crooked Face Creamery, Herbed Ricotta Spread with Roasted Red Pepper

Vermont Creamery,Creamy Goat Cheese Olive & Herb

York Hill Farm, Chevre Roll with Dill & Garlic

Vermont Creamery, Creamy Goat Cheese Roasted Red Pepper

York Hill Farm, Chevre Roll with Black Peppercorns and Garlic

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Garlic Peppercorn

Farms for City Kids Foundation, Reading

Consider Bardwell Farm, Dorset

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Wiloughby

Cellars from Jasper Hill, Oma from von Trapp Farm

Mt. Mansfield, Creamery, Inspiration

York Hill Farm, Fresh Chevre

Vermont Creamery, Creamy Goat Cheese

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Smoked Cheese

Shelburne Farms, Smoked Farmhouse Cheddar

Vermont Creamery, Feta

Maplebrook Farm, Whole Milk Feta

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Alpha Tolman

Vermont Creamery, Bonnie Bouche

Ruggles Hill, Alys’s Eclipse

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Harbison

Ruggles Hill, Greta’s Fair Haven

Vermont Creamery, Couple

Bridport Creamery, Fresh Cheese Curds

Boston Post Dairy LLC.,Bon Pere

University of Connecticut Creamery,Queso Blanco

Woodcock Farm Cheese Company, Weston Wheel

Maplebrook Farm, Cheddar Bites


Shelburne Farms, Clothbound Farmhouse Cheddar

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, East Meadow

Maplebrook Farm, Handmade Burrata

Berkshire Cheese, LLC., Berkshire Blue

Crooked Face Creamery, Herbed Ricotta Spread with Garlic and Rosemaey

York Hill Farm, Chevre Roll with Green Peppercorns and Nutmeg

Consider Bardwell Farm, Pawlet

Grafton Village Cheese Company, Bear Hill

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Grace’s Choice

Vermont Creamery, Fresh Goat Cheese

Bridport Creamery, Danz Ahn Farm Feta

Boston Post Dairy LLC, Gisele

Ruggles Hill, Ellie’s Cloudy Down

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Moses Sleeper

Ruggles Hill, Meg’s Big Sunshine

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Weybridge from Scholten Family Farm

Vermont Farmstead Cheese,Lille Coulommiers

Grafton Village Cheese Company, Shepsog

Vermont Creamery, Cremont


Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Cabot Alpine Cheddar Cheese

Grafton Village Cheese Company, Three Year Cheddar

Grafton Village Cheese Company, Queen of Quality Clothbound Cheddar

Shelburne Farms, Two Year Farmhouse Cheddar

Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Cabot Monterey Jack Cheese

Neighborly Farms of Vermont, Colby

Neighborly Farms of Vermont, Monterey Jack

The Reynolds Barn, Reynolds Barn Ri-Goat-A (Rigotta)

Crooked Face Creamery, Whole Milk Ricotta

Maplebrook Farm, Hand Dipped, Whole Milk, Ricotta

von Trapp Farmstead, Mad River Blue

Crooked Face Creamery, Herbed Ricotta spread with Lemon and Rosemary

Vermont Creamery, Crumble Goat Cheese Cranberry & Tarragon

Crystal Brook Farm, Australian Ginger Chevre

Vermont Creamery, Crumble Goat Cheese Apricot & Thyme

Neighborly Farms of Vermont, Jalapeno Jack

Plymouth Artisan Cheese, Hot Pepper

Vermont Farmstead Cheese, Sriracha Windsordale

Vermont Farmstead Cheese, Blueberry Windsordale

Boston Post Dairy LLC, Hill Dilly

Crystal Brook Farm, Classic Plain Chevre

Grafton Village Cheese Company, Maple Smoked Cheddar

Contoocook Creamery, Smoked Cheese

Maplebrook Farm, Cherrywood Smoked Feta

Vermont Farmstead Cheese, Smokehouse Tilsit

Flying Goat Farm, Feta

Robinson Farm, Tekenink Tomme

Robinson Farm, A Barndance

Vermont Creamery, Bijou

Ruggles Hill, Ada’s Honor

von Trapp Farmstead, Mt. Alice

Flying Goat Farm, Grace

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Landaff from Landaff Creamery

Consider Bardwell Farm, Manchester

Cellars at Jasper Hill, Kinsman Ridge from Landaff Creamery

Contoocook Creamery, Garlic Cheddar

Sankow’s Beaver Brook Farm, Aged Sheep Milk

Berkshire Cheese LLC


Boston Post Dairy LLC


Bridport Creamery

Cabot Creamery


The Cellars at Jasper Hill


Consider Bardwell Farm


Crooked Face Creamery


Crystal Brook Farm


Farms for City Kids Foundation


Flying Goat Farm


Grafton Village Cheese Companywww.graftonvillagecheese.com

Maplebrook Farm


Marjorie Urie

Meadow Stone


Mt. Mansfield Creamery


Neighborly Farms of Vermont


Plymouth Artisan Cheese


Reynolds Barn


Rhode Island Farms Cooperative


Robinson Farm


Ruggles Hill Creamery


Sankow’s Beaver Brook Farm


Sawyers Artisanal Cheese


Shelburne Farms


Smith’s Country Cheese Inc


Sweet Pea Cheese


UConn Department of Animal Science Creamery


Vermont Creamery


Vermont Farmstead Cheese Companywww.vermontfarmstead.com

von Trapp Farmstead


York Hill Farm Maine


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